Families Matter Most


Jenn Dean is a parenting coach who founded Families Matter Most, an organization that helps families thrive. Having faced difficulties and challenges in her own parenting, she knows firsthand just how tough it can be!

Jenn speaks online and all over Canada offering practical tools to families through private coaching, seminars, camps and workshops.

Families Matter Most material is tailored to reach the heart, and the tools really work.

Jenn's teaching style is lighthearted and empathetic- no judgement here!

Learn how to apply Kingdom principles in your home!




Do you struggle with needing to balance it all. Whether you are managing your family life or are a CEO balancing in a crisis is HARD. But you can do this with a few tools. So many men and women I work with will actually say this is one of their hardest struggles is time. And because of this I created an entire free Seminar on balance. If you are looking for a way to keep track of all your thoughts. Here is a place to start. 

If crisis is your weakness Click Here for a podcast on managing your time. Or Click Here for a PDF document to help you manage your time better in crisis. 


Do you struggle with knowing whether you are enough? Maybe someone else would be more called, more talented, or more educated for this job? If this is you I have a podcast just for you. And because you ARE important I actually made it a two part podcast so here is part two. And in case those two podcasts aren’t enough for you to KNOW you ARE ENOUGH here is a PDF to go along with them. God created you for this job! God created you for this time and place. YOU ARE ENOUGH!


As women, we have likely all heard at least once that our emotions are an issue. They make us unable to lead, unqualified, and so on. If emotions seem to get the better of you, know you aren’t alone. I have resources to help you better manage your highs and lows while being the best you, you can be! For struggles with anxiety here is a podcast for you. If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed here is a podcast for you.

Do your thoughts take you captive, run the show and your emotions? As human beings, we all have thoughts, these thoughts can be positive and negative and they form how we live our entire life. As leaders, a huge part of reaching success is learning the tools to take our thoughts captive. This is why I made an entire podcast about this one topic. Click here for Taking Your Thoughts Captive.



Do you find yourself getting to a point in ministry and stopping? Maybe it has become a habit out of fear, or something much deeper. In ministry, you may have heard of the THREE LIES once or twice. These lies can hold you back from reaching some of your BIGGEST successes, they will send you into spirals, and often make you play the what-if game. If you can relate to this click here to listen to a podcast with tips and tools to break free of the lies.


If I was to ask your best friend to describe you, would they say you are a motivated, dream bigger lady? A lady with a plan, a purpose, and a drive? We aren’t all naturally built to plan, plan, plan; but we can all find our goals in a healthy way and stick to them. If you struggle with this, click here for tools to help you set healthy goals. If you would say procrastination is where you need help, here is a podcast with tips for you.


As women in leadership, we know how important it is to grow and adapt to the changes around us. Sometimes this means we need to fill ourselves with more education, sometimes this means our business or focus is pivoting altogether. 

If you are struggling to find a community or mentor that is right for you, take a listen to this podcast for great tips on building healthy mentorships. If you are struggling with adapting your business or ministry, maybe struggling to see who you are in the midst of a change. Take the time to listen to this, reinventing yourself.

Is your ministry an at-home business? Something you started, and are the primary owner of? I have a podcast just for you to encourage and provide you tips for success. Click Here